Monday, June 22, 2009
![]() If you want to have a good quality visits to your website then the first thing you need to do is to optimize your website properly. But you should create your website according to market demand and you also follow the rules and regulations when build a website. The properly built website with good SEO practice will surely attract more visitors to your website. This is the first and foremost thing you will need to concentrate when it comes to setting up online business. I am not advertising and not to suggest you any name of - SEO service provider (freelancer) or any SEO company. But the success of your online business or service will depend entirely on how well you are SEO proofing your website and if you are the owner of the site, it would be better that first you gather some knowledge about SEO and SEM(SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING). ![]() Search engine optimization is a method of increasing the amount of visitors and the awareness of a website by ranking high in the search engines. Search engine optimization helps to guarantee that the website is available to a search engine and enhances the chances that the website will be found by the search engines. Statistically, the search engines deliver to websites more than 40% of the traffic. The rest comes from other online channels. To explain the importance of Search Engine Optimization, read the following few lines taken from a survey result. “The Role of Search in Business to Business Buying Decisions” is a well-designed study of approximately 1500 participants responding to a survey.When participants were asked to indicate how they would go about making a B2B purchase, 93.2 percent said they would research the purchase online. When asked if they would use a search engine at some point in this task, 95.5 percent of participants indicated that they would use search engines to find out the the desired product. When asked where they would start their search for information, 63.9 percent of participants chose a search engine over consumer review sites, e-commerce sites, manufacturer’s sites, and industry portals. When taking budget into consideration, manufacturer’s sites and industry portals were the chosen starting place as budgets increased. However, 86.9 percent of participants said they would visit a search engine after visiting those sites. Beside this, if you maintain a quality content according to your website and also make your site user friendly your can increase the conversation rate (make your visitor convert into buyer who also buy your product and services). SEO ANALYZERS provided this services for your website. From my personal experience as a SEO ANALYZER, I realize that SEO is the best way to generate traffic or users to your website. With out this process may be you will have the visitors, tht's good. But if you do this(SEO) then you will have the BEST result. |
Friday, June 12, 2009
Manage Your Sites According to Market Demand
Determining what master resale rights products and private label rights products will be in demand, how to organize your website, and how to most effectively draw targeted traffic to your website are critical to your success. You found countless opportunities on the Internet, but sometimes there are so many that it is hard to know where to you focus. For example, have you ever wondered? (1)What topics are most in demand? (2)Whether people are more interested in e-Books or in software and scripts? (3)Whether you should be blogging and pinging RSS feed directories? (Blogging is the famous idea to increase you website traffic in now days) I recently spent a number of days pouring over eight weeks worth of log files for a master resale rights and private label rights website, and learned the answers to the questions above. (1)What topics are most in demand? People are very interested in new master resale rights products and private label rights products. The third most visited page was the "What's New" page. About a third of the people who visited the home page visited the "What's New" page. The topic that attracted the most visitors was Niche Products, followed closely by Internet Marketing and then Webmaster Resources. (2)Whether people are more interested in e-Books or in software and scripts? The three most popular types of master resale rights products and private label rights products were e-Books, Software and Scripts, and other Membership Web Sites. Three times as many people visited the e-Books section as visited the Software & Scripts section. The Membership Web Sites section was only slightly less popular than the Software & Scripts section. (3)Whether you should be blogging and pinging RSS feed directories? The most visited page on the entire website was the main RSS feed page. If you are not using RSS feeds on your site and pinging RSS feed directories when you post, you may be missing out on a huge amount of traffic. And though the blog section had very few posts, it was one of the most visited sections on the website. Like the blog section, the articles section was one of the most visited sections on the website. If you don't have a blog and an articles section on your website, you are missing out on a lot of traffic. A great way to use blogs and articles sections is to post news and articles and then include teasers in email newsletters to your subscribers. Just put a short introduction or a summary of each in your newsletter, with links for your subscribers to follow and read more. That's a great bridge to bring people from your newsletter back into your website. Those above information will help you to create a successful website, in this economic climate everybody who are going to create a website, they should think about this. It would be better if we think first. |
Friday, June 5, 2009
Search engine submission(Sitemap)
In my last post I told you about the sitemap, now I tell you about the sitemap submission. By submitting Sitemaps to a search engine, webmaster's is only helping that engine's crawlers to do a better job of crawling their site(s). Using this protocol does not guarantee that web pages will be included in search indexes, nor does it influence the way that pages are ranked in search results. If the Sitemaps are submitted directly to a search engine, it will return status information and any processing errors. The details involved with submission will vary with the different search engines. The location of the Sitemap can also be included in the robots.txt file. Must remember that, the be the complete URL to the Sitemap, such as: This directive is independent of the user-agent line, so it doesn't matter where it is placed in the file. If your website has several Sitemaps, this url can simply point to the main Sitemap index file. Here is another one most important thing you should remember about the sitemap; Sitemap limits: Sitemap files have a limit of 50,000 URLs and 10 megabytes per sitemap. Sitemaps can be compressed using gzip, reducing bandwidth consumption. You also have some benefits of the sitemap. Site maps can improve search engine optimization(SEO) of a site by making sure that all the pages are easily navigable. I think all SEO related guys need it. This especially is important if a site uses a dynamic access to content such as Adobe Flash or JavaScript menus that do not include HTML links. It also act as a navigation aid by proving an overview of a site's content at a single glance. Most search engines will only follow a finite number of links from a page, so if your site have a large number of links, the sitemap may be required so that search engines and visitors can access all content on the site. So, I think the above info by me will help you somewhat while you go for on-page optimization. If you have any quarries or something modern please voice your own opinion! |